The Four Languages of „Mandarin“

The Four Languages of „Mandarin“ [1] by Robert M. Sanders

Assistant Professor of Chinese Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures University of Hawaii

Sino-Platonic Papers, 4 (November 1987)

1.0 Introduction

Many hours have been spent at scholarly meetings and many pages of academic writing have been expended discussing what is to be considered […]

РЕЧНИЦИ – библиография през китайски и други езици

C—Translating the Language

Dictionary Bibliographies

U.S. Department of State. Office of External Research. List of Chinese Dictionaries in All Languages. Washington D.C. 1967. Mathias, J. and Sandra Hinson. A Compilation of Chinese Dictionaries. New Haven: Far Eastern Publications, Yale University, 1975. Yang, Paul Fu-mien. Chinese Lexicology and Lexiography a Selected and Classified Bibliography. Hong […]